
wild,sacred & cherished spaces





Mahesh Trimurti   In ancient Hindu cosmology each Manvantara or cosmic cycle is modulated by the play of destructive and regenerative forces which originate and ultimately return to source (Brahma). Portrayed here in the celebrated rock sculpture carved deep into a hillside cave on the Isle of Elephanta, India 1980. Photo: APB




Robbie Shone photo

A portfolio of extraordinary photographs of some of the great caverns beneath the surface of the earth.

Photography by Robbie Shone.




The Grove,  Brockwood Park, Hampshire.  Spring 1975 (photo: APB)









A branch of  Leeds -Liverpool inland waterway.  

2014 (photo:APB)







The Ojai Valley looking east to the Topa topa range from the Krotona Library rose garden.  California. 2012 (photo: APB)







Evening view from the terrace at Haigh Hall.









World Heritage site

Jurassic coast.

Dorset, UK



Origins of the WildLife Trusts in the UK


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